Museum rentals
Looking to plan your next company outing, workshop, or event?
You can rent out the Meshel Classroom at the museum!
Pricing & Accommodations
Non-profit groups & YSU organizations | $75/hour
For-profit groups | $125/hour
2 hour rental minimum
- Room dimensions: 41' 8" by 37'
(Exceptions: YSU lectures without food, groups under 10)
- Ability to hire caterer/bring in food (kitchenette available next to classroom)
- Seats 100 (capacity) with rectangular tables (available on-site)
Building capacity 250
- You can provide own catering or utilize YSU's Chartwells (330.941.1979)
- Rectangular tables, chairs, black table cloths (other colors available for rent)
- Free guided tour of the museum and access to galleries
- Projector, screen, computer, microphone and speakers
View our rental inventory list/floor plan
- Front desk staffing
-Handicap accessible
- Free parking in lot and ample street parking (2 handicap spots)
- Liquor permits required for public events -- contact YSU Events (330.941.2962)
-Liquor permit not required for private events where no money is charged
- If providing own alcohol, it must be taken to YSU's Chartwells catering (located in Kilkawley) prior to event
- May not charge for alcohol at event
- Please allot time within rental period for set-up/clean-up. Any additional time needed outside of rental hours will be added to the rental cost (charged by the 1/2 hour)